Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF

We have three kinds of pairs in the gospel today: two friends; parents and children; God and His people. One member of each pair has a need, the other member has the means to respond, and they do.

However, the reason for responding across each pair differs in quality. In the first pair, the friend responds in order to end the nuisance caused by his neighbor friend, and not because he cares for the other’s wellbeing. In the second pair, parents respond to their children’s needs not out of resentment, but out of genuine love and care for them no matter what shortcomings the parents themselves may have. But Jesus points out that when God, who is perfect goodness, responds to the needs of His people, it is always out of unbounded generosity and love. However, he might not always give us what we ask – because being limited and selfish human beings, we often ask for things that harm us in the long run; but God, in his eternal wisdom and love, denies us what hurts us and provides what is good for us, instead. When we ask God for anything, He always gives us what is best for us. And to those who ask Him, He will give His own Spirit without reserve.

So, let us ask God, and trust Him to give us what is best for us, for He cares for us more than anyone else does.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF -


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