Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

Jesus throws a challenge to the king. His decision to challenge the authority sprang from his passion to do good for people, to heal and to liberate them. Nothing could stand in the way of Jesus’ doing good for people and serving them in their needs. Jesus was aware of the characteristic Jerusalem who never tolerated prophets and did not spear their blood. He would not let Herod to determine his course of action, even his death. God has committed a mission to him, and Jesus would let God alone to direct his life and works. The courage and conviction Jesus showed in his mission and his adherence to God’s plan come what may, was costly but was worthy of Son of God anointed for this purpose.

 St. Paul too was led by the same conviction when he said, ‘if God is for us who can be against us?’ Every follower of Jesus is given same assurance. We need the courage to accept it and live it in faith.


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