Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF


            Whereas it is necessary that a house must be built on solid foundation to survive the forces of nature, it will be foolhardy to limit our attention to the foundation alone and carelessly build the walls and the roof with poor quality materials. For a house to be foolproof, it must have a rock-solid foundation, strong walls, and sound roofing. If not, when the rain pours, the rivers flood, and the wind blow, the house will collapse and what a terrible fall it will be!

            Similar danger can happen to our spiritual edifice. Many people begin with a strong foundation of love of God and His Word. But as their life moves on, they get distracted from God, offer merely lip-service to Him, buy into cheaper materials of the world, and go on building up their edifice on those convenient and world-friendly resources. When trials and tragedies strike, their edifice crumbles and the foundation becomes a stumbling block for them (cf. 1 Pet 2:7-8). 

            May the Word of God be the foundation, the walls, and the roof of our spiritual life. May God be above, beneath, before, behind, and around us.


Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF -


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