Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

The road to Damascus became road to encounter and transformation for Paul. He encountered the living Jesus and became a changed man. The persecutor became the preacher; the stubborn Pharisee turned into a slave for Christ; the Jew became the apostle of the gentiles. Paul was a scholar in the Jewish scripture, but he was short-sighted, so intent on protecting God and Torah that he couldn’t recognize God’s plan for humanity. The light of Christ blinded his external eyes but opened the inner sight to see the truth.

Paul’s experience on the road to Damascus is a reminder that all sinners and righteous alike are in need of conversion. Christian life is a journey on the road of Christ to the Father’s house. There are many obstacles on this road that can prevent us from moving on and progressing. Conversion is to be struck by the love of God and get the inner eye illumined. It means moving from darkness to light, from blindness to sight, from fickleness to fidelity, from fear to fortitude, from resistance to surrender.

The great commission of Jesus that the Gospel presents today became a personal commissioning for Paul. The Gospel is to be carried to the whole world and preached to all creation. No barriers or excuses are considered in sharing the Gospel. Paul accepted and accomplished this uncompromising demand of the mission mandate. The Lord works through any one taking up this great commission and he will confirm his Word by signs.


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