Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF


St. James in his letter calls for a faith that is dynamic and outward looking. Faith is a gift which is not meant to be kept intact within, but it is to be manifested in living and acting. Jesus emphasises in his teaching that it is the true faith that makes a disciple. How can one comprehend the call of Jesus for a radical discipleship which is absurd to the worldly understanding? It is here the faith comes to fore. Faith leaves everything in God’s hands and is not reluctant to embrace hardships.

Gaining or losing life is not a matter of concern for those have faith. They leave it up to God. Their only concern is to live the call to discipleship with utmost fidelity. It is the faith that enables them carry the cross and deny themselves without counting the cost. The greatest enlightenment that the faith gives them is the conviction that none of the gains of this world can match the preciousness of their soul. Therefore, they are not ashamed of God nor afraid of proclaiming the message of God’s love. Discipleship is at crossroads today. Varieties of standards are set for being a disciple by the contemporary thinking, evolving spiritualities and emerging trends in social and scientific world. Yet, Jesus’ recommendations are eternal and irreplaceable. “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine….”


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