Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

The readings today praise the virtue humility which is not an attractive ideal for the world. People around us compare, compete and strive hard to perform and excel in every way and to be on the top of the world. St. James noticed this attitude among the followers of Jesus in his community. He boldly confronted them saying that they have become friends of the world, and showed them that God raises the humble. It is difficult to remain humble in a world that values laurels and positions.

The disciples in the presence of Jesus could not resist the impulse for ambition and personal success. Ambition in itself is not wrong but when it oversteps service and humanness, it becomes sinful. It is pride that overrates position and prestige. Disciples found it a challenge to compare their motives with that of Jesus. Serving others was the only motive of Jesus and a real follower of Jesus has a servant’s heart. Jesus appeals to us through his disciple not to go through life expecting positions and privileges, but be constantly on the lookout for ways to help and be of use to others.


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