Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Roland Chidiebere, CMF

Jesus, Our wounded healer.

An analysis describes a dysfunctional relationship as revolving around three variants: the persecutor, the victim and the rescuer. We notice the horrible effect of jealousy in the attitude and actions of Judas and his brothers. They are the persecutors. They planned how to get rid of their own brother; schemed out their lies with which they would pretentiously ‘console’ their father.

Oh, how evil plot can successfully engage the human mind, all ending up in destruction of life! These days, sometimes the life destroyed is one’s own life, a relative or friend’s life and or the life of one considered an enemy. The ugly thing is that the evil-minded persecutors do not show any sign of remorse these days. Just think of the many victims who, like Joseph and Jesus, suffer on daily basis in the hands of heartless persecutors. While some are kidnapped others are raped; some are maimed and others murdered!

What can the just do? I bet you, prayers are no little ‘a weapon’.  We must keep praying relentlessly for the conversion of the perpetrators of these evils as well as for God’s intervention in the lives of the victims of violence – that the living be healed from the trauma and the dead rests eternally with God.

In the midst of all these, always, there are rescuers, the likes of Reuben and Jesus himself. Our Lord features both as victim and rescuer, understandably so. Just call to mind his activities of walking through the land of Palestine and its environment, rescuing all sorts of people; healing and bringing back to life; leading us out of ignorance through his teachings; redirecting us en route to union with our heavenly Father. That’s why He is Our Savior.

As victim He bears the mark of our suffering and as the rescuer, He is the wounded healer. From experience He is able to empathize with us, He has worn our shoes, he knows where it pinches; He bears the scar – ‘see my hands, legs and side where the nails and sword of violence pierced me!’ Jesus is the Name: our wounded Healer.


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