Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

Prophet Jeremiah had a very bad experience with the people of his time when he exposed the evils of his people and boldly spoke the truth. They were out to eliminate him, at the same time, he was wondering what wrong had he done. Hearing the words of Jesus, people came up with different kinds of judgements and opinions. His experience was not much diverse from that of Jeremiah. Throughout the history, anyone who challenged evil and pointed out the truth had similar plight. ‘The prophet’s fate’ is very much existent in our world today. Jesus and his words were taken too fast and casually and the people made wrong conclusions. Interestingly, the temple guards – simple souls – were able to see much behind the words of Jesus which the intelligent failed to spot.  If anyone is sincerely interested in truth, it takes time, careful investigation and an open heart.

The courage of Nicodemus is also noteworthy. Jesus had spoken to him about water and the Spirit (3:5). Previous to this episode Jesus announced that living waters will flow from the heart of anyone who believes in him. Nicodemus recognised the connection between his conversation with Jesus and the announcement of ‘rivers of living waters.’ He intervened because he knew the people were trying to put out life and light.


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