Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Roland Chidiebere, CMF
Friday: Wow ooh! Post resurrection breakfast with the Lord!!’

Jesus said to them, “Come, have breakfast.” What a privilege!! Yet, it surrounds a vocational discernment. He, Jesus, seeks us out when we try to derail from the path of our connectedness with Him and with the Father. This appears to be the experience of Peter and his fellow disciples after two post-resurrection encounters with the risen Lord.

Even, after reconfirming to them that He was the one, (amid Thomas’ doubt), an onlooker would hardly expect them to return to their old profession of fishing! Instead, one expected to see a robust and enthusiastic group eager to share their new experience with others. But there you are, our human story replays itself: relapsing to our comfort zone, slipping back into what we are used to; into our usual ways of doing things. From being ‘fishermen’ to being anointed ‘fishers of men’ and now back to ‘fishermen’! But you know what, Jesus does not give up on us. He goes forth to renew their vocation of being ‘fishers of men’.

How is your vocational story? In my understanding, vocational discernment is a life-long process. Indeed, we continuously need divine guidance. How does God want me to serve him? What career facilitates my fundamental vocation: my call to union with God? These and many more questions surround our intermittent recourse to what we are used to doing from time to time, and sometime in contrast to the ultimate vocational goal, namely our union with God.

And our Lord Jesus Christ, this time recalls us through a breakfast, a meal, a communion, a Eucharistic reunion. He continues doing the same thing each time any of us begins to distance oneself from Him. Let us keep renewing the practice of communing with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ every day. Let us not give the tempter the opportunity of distancing us from the Lord. He enjoys our company and within each encounter He nourishes us with His blessings. 


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