Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

Today we honour St. Mark the Evangelist. He ended his Gospel reminding the Church of the great commissioning of the Master: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to every creature.” Through this mandate God expresses his desire for the whole of His creation that the whole of it should listen to the Word of life and the message of hope. Christians must “go where Jesus is not known, where Jesus is persecuted, or where Jesus is disfigured, to proclaim the true Gospel,” said Pope Francis.

This mission has its obstacles and risks. Yet, it is imperative to denounce sins, speak for the oppressed and defend human rights which are the values of the Gospel of Jesus. ‘Go out and proclaim’ is the call. Proclamation of the Gospel is journey- a spiritual journey to the soul of the other, a physical journey to the need of the other and a journey of sufferings where those sufferings are offered for the Church and people. The Lord remains close to those preach the Gospel. With the Spirit in us, God will use us and will do his work through us. This faith brings comfort and courage. It makes us feel loved, confident and strong to suffer for doing good, even when it is unpopular.

What shall be our response to God’s mandate, ‘go out to all the world and tell the Good News,’ “Here I am, Lord, send me?”


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