Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Luis Manuel Suárez CMF
I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly”.

Because life can be lived in many ways. There is a basic, superficial form of life that is content to survive without bothering or being bothered. There is another life, at the opposite pole, that seeks to accumulate, secure, trap... that does not know that the most important thing is not bought with money, nor can it be demanded or retained.

Jesus has come to bring life. And to know what life he proposes to us, we have it easy; look at his actions and listen to his words. "Man does not live by bread alone", "you received it for free, give it for free", "I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth"... Words backed up by his life, in constant connection with the Father and in close affection with people.

In a world as complex as ours, we need masters of life, references that help us to choose among the many paths that sometimes present themselves to us. Jesus, the Master, continues to be contemporary to our time, as to all times.

He is the gate. The gate of the way that leads to life. Abundantly life.

            Guide our steps, Lord, in your ways. Amen.


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