Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Roland Onuekwusi Chidiebere, CMF -&- Andrzej Kobylski cmf

Sunday: conflict resolution, spirit-filled animation

-          Complaint and resolution

-          Peace and community building

-          In the Lord Jesus we trust.

Recently, we watched the film ‘Green Book’ – focused on xenophobia (fear of strangers), in which a white, jobless man, Anthony consulted with his wife on being employed by a coloured, renowned musician. Her immediate strong reaction was No, because he was coloured! At the end of the film, she hugged the coloured musician tightly thanking him for transforming her husband! We are God´s own creative image, hence each one of us has something to offer. How do we focus on each other’s strengths and patiently discern our varying capabilities, rather than get stuck, quarrelling over our minor differences and shortcomings? 

The apostles, model for us: first the identified what matters most ‘the Word of God’ and gave it its place; then mapped out the criteria for conflict resolution: selection of reputable, spirit-filled, wise members; and then entrusted them to the Lord in prayers. The result is the Word of God blossomed and many joined the fellowship. Sometimes and some places, the naturally gifted persons decline to serve while the unqualified grab offices. In the spirit of the resurrected Christ, let each accept to serve where one is gifted and skilled. It is the Lord himself that we serve in each other.

St Peter writes the Jews in diaspora, reminding them that their common faith in Christ builds them up into ‘a holy community of priests offering spiritual sacrifices that please God’. St. Peter is addressing all the members! We need to be a lot more conscious of the fact that by virtue of our baptism, we are all priests. All Christians are co-mediators with Christ, endowed with intercessory role for the redemption of the world. We are a lot more effective when we intercede together as a community of believers.

In the Gospel our Lord asks us to trust him! Trust is our lot that endears us to Christ who is ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life.’ Trusting Jesus Christ means building our lives around Him. Trusting that alive or dead we are in His hands delivers us from chronic worries. Trusting Him, merits us lasting peace, peace that the world cannot give. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ help us to understand each other more deeply, work together as a team and trustingly remain with our Lord Jesus Christ in all circumstances, amen.


Sunday 10th May

By Andrzej Kobylski cmf

 This ultimate meeting that Jesus had with his disciples, known to us as the last supper was held in very difficult circumstances. The Twelve must have known the rumour about the priest’s response to Jesus’ activity, which is why Jesus told them ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled’. In the face of His approaching passion Jesus wanted to give them a clear message: what He was going to accept would not be a disaster but a mysterious deal with the Father. The deal is to prepare a place for the Twelve, and with them for us too, in the Father’s house. The other part of this deal is a future community which is going to be the community with the Father as well - ‘where I am you may be too’. 

The mystery which covered His words for the Twelve would be uncovered by the Holy Spirit. But at that time even the fact, that Jesus directly told them ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’ did not help. Very soon, an author of the letter to the Hebrews will write: ‘Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, (...). He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being.’ (Hebrews 1:1-3). It explains everything. Jesus said ‘I am in the Father and the Father is in me’. Whoever wants to see the Father does not need a man-made picture like a sculpture or painting; nor do we need another man. These words are like seed put in the ground which germinates step by step. When Jesus’ mission got to the end it would be known, by the Twelve, and by all of us, Who He actually is.

It is important to be involved in the deal. We are not just spectators – sculpture or painting watchers. Jesus wants us to be in the middle of this mystery. The faith enables us to be. We are able to do the same as Jesus did and even more because His mission extends beyond his earthly staying. This extended mission is the Church. Included into the community of the Church we may be part of Jesus' life. This life would be sustained by His sacramental presence.


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