Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

A mistake seriously to be avoided is complacency, a bogus detachment that takes things for granted.  This is at the heart of Jesus’ warning in today’s Gospel reading, that the disciples would be scattered and go, each his own way.  One of the most frequent warnings in Scripture is to ‘stay awake.’  The conviction that Jesus shared with his disciples that he is never alone is a revelation directed to his disciples and to each one us today. In Jesus’ claim not to be alone in his abandonment lies the seed of our hope. 

We may be ignored or persecuted by the world, but we shall never be left orphaned. Our relationship with world will always be strained because it has nothing in common with Christ and the Gospel. But our relationship with God will produce peace and comfort because we are in communion with his Spirit. Such is the good news behind the coming and remaining of the Holy Spirit. ‘In the world you will have trouble, but be brave.’ ‘We will overcome’ through the victory of Jesus. This is the message, loud and clear, that the world long to hear. Unlike the disciples in the first reading, we are not ignorant of the Mystery of the Holy Spirit.  Alleluia!


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