Commentary on the Gospel of

Tomás J. Marín Mena

The evangelical sentence ''Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s'' has been very misinterpret in some age of history. Common interpretation has meant that God and political things are separate. But it is wrong. Jesus didn't say that. Jesus said to give back Caesar's things to Caesar and nothing else. When he is faced with a tricky question, Jesus makes one thing clear: Caesar is not God, as he claimed.

            And ''give to God what is God’s''. But, what belongs to God? All Christians know that everything belongs to God, including life in common. The Christian should not think of political, economic and social affairs from a different perspective than the Christian. It is not that the Pope or the bishops governs nations, but that Christians look at all things in the world in the light of the Gospel. We are Christians from Monday to Sunday, at home, in the Temple, on the street, at work, in my political opinions, in everything. (There is the Social Doctrine of the Church. Do you know it?)

            The Christian does not kneel before anyone, not even the political powers, nor the economic powers, nor the ideologies of consumerism, nor the technical domain of our relationships. Christians have no other god than the God revealed in Jesus of Nazareth. And we would like to give our whole life.

            O Lord, may You be our only God!


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