Commentary on the Gospel of

Martín Areta Higuera cmf

I love you so much, said God. It’s for that I sent you my child. I love you so much, said Moses. It’s for that my knees, body and life bow down and adore you, God. I love you so much, said the people, it is for that we hope that you will come to walk in our midst.

What can we say? What can I say? Have I ever bowed down my knees looking for God´s Will? Do I love God enough? Do  I let God walk with me?

Our Christian life goes on when we return frequently to our first love, when our heart asks God: how big is your love for me? That´s a question we all have inside, in our brain, heart, unconsciousness.

But there is a deeper question? Are we able to be loved? God doesn´t enter into without permission. We are free. We have to choose between faith and condemnation…

Let us choose faith, and let us be happy, because “the grace of Christ Jesus the Lord, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is with us all”.


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