Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Roland Onuekwusi Chidiebere, CMF

Lord Jesus Christ, make our hearts like unto yours
*“as the Lord lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you”
*“may I receive a double portion of your spirit.”
*Give, pray and fast secretly

What a daring and resilient personality we have in Elisha! His master, prophet Elijah is about to leave him. First of all, he asks him not to accompany him, but Elisha insisted that he would go with him. In the light of our Lord’s teaching on perseverance, we have much to learn from Elisha. God hearkens to our deepest yearnings of remaining united with Him in all circumstances. Elisha hung unto Elijah because of the Lord, for he replies: “as the Lord lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you” We are encouraged to hold firmly unto the Lord.

Elijah bows to Elisha’s insistence. What happens when we remain with our Lord and God – at least the ‘cool breeze’ from His spirit keeps breeding life in us! Elisha’s steadfastness resulted to the privilege of presenting his prayer request: “may I receive a double portion of your spirit.” This is another milestone! Asking one to give what he did not generate, instead was offered to him. Once again, our God is so loving that He condescends to the level of His beloved child. God treats us as we are – at our respective levels. Just call upon Him as a loving Father – He responds accordingly out of love for you. Of course, like Elisha received his seemingly ‘lofty request;’ you receive what you ask for in faith, just as our Lord Jesus Christ says, ‘one’s little faith moves mountain!’  

Lastly, the Gospel asks each of us to approach one’s faith-expressions from the depth of one’s being: with interior conviction – knowing whom one believes in and relating to Him without seeking external approvals. And so, one’s charitable acts, dialogue with God ‘prayer’, and fasting should all be accomplished secretly; in other words, in a spirit of meekness. Relationship with God is a sacred and revered act rather than occasion for orchestration. O Lord Jesus Christ, meek and humble, make our hearts like unto yours.


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