Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

While contemplating the two brief parables - the mustard seed and the yeast one finds two stories taken from daily life which will serve as terms of comparison to help the reader discover the mystery of the Kingdom. The enigmatic statement of Jesus: “Anyone who has ears to hear, let him hear!” means simply, “You have heard, so now try to understand!” It is up to each one to discover what the story reveals to us about the Kingdom of God present in our life. The Kingdom of God grows even today, through the witness of the community and becomes good news of God which radiates light and attracts people. The person who gets close to the community feels welcomed, accepted, at home, and builds in it the nest. With these examples taken from the life of the people, Jesus helped the people to discover the things of God in everyday life. Life then became transparent. He made them perceive that what was extraordinary in God is hidden in the ordinary and common things of daily life.

In the parable of the mustard seed Jesus was telling our story today. When Jesus narrated it, no one could imagine how big this seed would grow. Mustard explains how God works in order to bring his plans to fulfillment. He works beyond human calculations and thinking. Yeast represents the power of God to work through and transform lives. Both the images points to how we need to understand our role in today. If the Christian communities will persevere in their mission, our efforts will grow and yield fruit. Our presence should leaven the society by penetrating it with Gospel until it is transformed. We trust in the God’s word of hope, its power and its workings in order to transform lives. God’s ways have small beginnings and great results.


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