Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF


Jesus presents another parable like that of the Master and the servant (Lk 12: 36-38), in the readings today - the parable of the householder and the burglar as an exhortation to vigilance. There are many people who are serious about the ‘return of the Lord’, and even afraid of his coming. Yet many do not care to take not of God’s presence in their midst, in the most common things of life, or in daily events. It is not so much important to know the hour of the end of the world. It is crucial recognize God who comes to us every day in the person of the poor (Mt 25: 40), through other people, in prayer and sacraments. He is already at our side in the struggle for justice, for peace and for life. The fullness has not been attained, but the guarantee of the Kingdom is already in our midst. Therefore, we wait with firm hope for the total liberation of humanity and of nature (Rm 8: 22-25). And when we wait and we struggle, we say rightly: “He is already in our midst!” (Mt 25: 40).

Meanwhile, it is our task to be on guard. Thief appears unannounced. He will make off with the valuables that are easily accessible or unguarded. If this is the case with the material treasures, Jesus invites us to reflect on the spiritual treasures that face the same risk. They are God given gifts and they need to be guarded with utmost care. The enemy works day and night to plunder this treasure. How vigilant are we in preserving our earthly treasures because they are precious to us? Spiritual gifts are more precious and there are thieves who are keeping an eye on them. They can be lost if they are left unguarded. Spiritual gifts are an awesome responsibility. Faithfulness and diligence are the best guard and God rewards such efforts with more than what we can hope for.


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