Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

The Gospel presents a woman who had a spirit which crippled her and prevented her from straightening up. This was a way in which the people of that time explained sicknesses. It was already eighteen years that she was in that situation. The woman does not speak, does not have a name, she does not ask to be cured, she takes no initiative. It is Jesus who moves first towards her taking note of her plight.

Jesus told the crippled woman “you are set free from your infirmity.” God considers everyone as his child in every situation even by going against sabbath. St. Paul declares that we are children, then we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. Nothing can deprive a God’s child from inheriting what Christ has assured. Satan tried for eighteen years to deny this woman access to her inheritance in Christ. The people of synagogue who fulfil the rituals and practise religion meticulously did not think the thoughts of God. They were vain external practices that could not communicate God’s mercy to people. For Jesus, this woman was a co-heir and he granted her what she merited. The good news is that Jesus places the happiness of his children above all other considerations and we are co-heirs to this blessing.


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