Commentary on the Gospel of

NOVICE MASTER Fr. Johnson Joseph, cmf

St. Paul speaks of his deep anguish over his people. He was willing to be cursed for the sake of his people and ready to take their punishment if that could save them. Jesus, on the hand, showed an unparallel love by sacrificing his own life for others. Jesus’ love is the saving love. He showed his depth of love to the man with a swollen limb by restoring him even by going against the Sabbath law. Jesus and Paul in their lives were truly concerned about others and were willing to undergo any sacrifice to show God’s love and to make present a loving God.  Jesus too does not stop doing good. He continues to be available and loving even on a Sabbath day. Jesus goes beyond the frame of rules to enrich life especially the lives of the poor and the sick.  We are all called to do good unceasingly. There is no excuse whatever to help our neighbour, to help those in need, to fight for justice, to care for the environment and to be with God.

Christian love is to love like Jesus loved. The more we are loving and merciful, the more we become Christ like.  Let our love point to us as disciples of Jesus as the first Christians were recognized by ‘seeing how they loved.’

Do we do everything possible for us and take troubles so that people come to know and believe in Jesus?


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