Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

God of the living

Life beyond life is a puzzle for many and scorn to some of our contemporaries. Like the Sadducees they aim to restrict everything to worldly eyes and to the limits of human intelligence.  Such attitudes have their reflection in the way one treats life and things of this world. The question of resurrection and eternal life goes beyond human logic and categories. Scripture and God’s revelation guide us to trust in God’s infinite ways.  God loves us and His friendship with us does not end with death, but he desires to share with us his life and joy for all eternity. St. Paul summarizes his conviction in these words: “No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.”

“God is the God of the living, and not of the dead.” He offers life that never ends. This truth enables us to not to be bound by earthly vision alone and to widen our perspective beyond the horizons of visible and verified realities. We are living now at a moment in human history, but we were created for eternity: life with God in happiness and glory. Unlike the Sadducees who could not understand life beyond death, we profess, and partake in the resurrection and life everlasting through sacraments of Church and the Word of God.

This truth is not only to be believed but is to be reflected in every aspect of our lives. Our lives should so proclaim that we believe and we look forward a life that is eternal. Our service to one another; in our love of neighbor; in our care for those most in need we proclaim a God who is living and for whom we live.


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