Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

The world has an eye on external appearances and performances to fix the value of a person. Jesus noticed an insignificant act of a poor widow when big sums were dropped proudly by the well-off. It was an act by even more an insignificant person – a widow. This episode tells us where the eyes of the world are set and where the eyes of God are on. Life will change when we are able to look where God looks and see what God sees. Daniel was able to see what God would see in him and in his situation and he was not swept away by the world and its influence. God brought him to great victory not only in His sight but also in sight of the world.

Jesus declares that by giving what she could not afford, what she gave was worth more than the richest donation. Are we prepared, in case of urgent need, to give until it hurts? The widow who gives her all to support the temple reminds us of how Jesus who went on to give all he had, his very life, for others. This would be following the spirit of Jesus, who gave himself totally on the cross for us. Only in the end will we truly know the real value of whatever we have managed to contribute, as we make our way through life.

Generosity of spirit is not easy to measure. People who seem to be doing little may actually be making more effort than others who seem to be doing a lot. At the end of the day, only the Lord can measure generosity, because he alone knows what each is capable of giving.


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