Commentary on the Gospel of

NOVICE MASTER Fr. Johnson Joseph, cmf

“Watch!” This is the key word with which the Church raises the curtain for new liturgical year on this first Sunday of Advent. The theme of Advent is waiting. We are reminded that we are also waiting in hope and expectation for Christ who is to come. Waiting is something we have more and more trouble with, and ‘zero wait state’ is considered the goal – no waiting at all. Advent teaches us to wait. Waiting means to stay awake and be attentive to what is happening within and outside – attentive to the present, not dreaming about the past or worrying about the future.

The liturgical year begins by reflecting over the end. We are invited to keep in mind the end always, not with fear, but with joy and hope. Jesus urges us to be on guard so that our hearts are not weighed down by the worries of life. He comes to take away our restlessness and restore peace. We wait for him to come to free us from fear and save us. Jesus is fully present to us and let us relive it confidently and unceasingly in this Advent.

We can show this readiness to welcome Christ in the way we welcome others, by reaching out to our sisters and brothers when they are in need, by standing alongside them and working with them to build a better future, by supporting those who are vulnerable, the old, the sick and the poor. And by ensuring that all people feel valued, respected, safe and loved.


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