Commentary on the Gospel of

Jonson Joseph, cmf

Today we contemplate the dramatic scene of the meeting of two mothers in waiting and two sons to be born. The two cousins had a moment of spiritual sharing and strengthening faith in their encounter. In the same way, the Spirit renews faith and confidence in God’s promises and inspires us with love of God and neighbor. Like Mary who brought God to Elizabeth in her heart and in her womb, we too can bring God to everyone we meet in our life’s journey.

Elizabeth takes the moment to praise Mary’s faith in the fulfillment of God’s promises. The Holy Spirit that filled her at the annunciation made her a woman faith and joy and she proclaims mighty works of the Lord. God is great because He defines Himself in terms of the weak and the oppressed, and decides to work in the world among lowly handmaids and barren women. 

Mary carried Jesus in her womb. Elizabeth bore John in her womb. While the mothers met the Baptist in the womb of Elizabeth recognized Jesus. There was excitement as he leapt in his mother’s womb and is uttered in the form a prayer dear to the Church today. The prayer from heaven is united with that of the prayer on earth. Mary literally was a “Jesus carrier”. She was therefore the carrier of the good news. She did not merely reach out to Elizabeth who was in her sixth moth in her need; even more, she brought Elizabeth the greatest blessing ever: Jesus. Each of us is a Jesus carrier. We must like Mary carry him and share the good news of his birth.

The take way for us from this encounter is found in the lips of Elizabeth: “And blessed is she who has believed that the promise made to her by the Lord would be fulfilled.” This is also Elizabeth’s the message for the community: to believe in the Word of God, because the Word of God has the power to fulfill all that it proclaims. It is a creative Word. It generates new life in the womb of the Virgin, and in the hearts of people who accept it with faith.


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