Commentary on the Gospel of

Jonson Joseph, cmf Novice Master

The genealogy defines the identity of Jesus. He is the “Son of David and the son of Abraham” (Mt 1, 1; cf 1, 17). Son of David, is the response to the expectation of the Jews (2 Sam 7, 12-16). Son of Abraham, is a source of blessings for all nations (Gn 12, 13). Both Jews and Pagans see their hope realized in Jesus.

We like to take pride if ancestral lineage would reach to some remarkable people. For that reason, many people dig out their genealogy and tie it to some great personalities.  But the genealogy of Jesus does not match any dignified standards. We see a combination famous as well as notorious people there:  Jacob was a liar. Tamar had an ill refute.  Rahab was a prostitute. Ruth did not share Israel’s unblemished faith. David was  unrighteous to the core in what he did. It was not genealogy worth recording. The way of acting of these four women did not correspond to the traditional norms. In the meantime, these were the initiatives, which were not really conventional, which gave continuity to the lineage of Jesus and led all the people to the salvation of God.

God chose to come through a stained lineage to show that he belongs to all. The Good and bad can equally claim him. World’s all possible sinners are found in the genealogy of Jesus, and he would save them all by his holy death. His birth in this descent enables everyone to enter into his fold.


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