Commentary on the Gospel of

Angela Maynard - Creighton University's Student Health Education and Compliance Office

Again, in today’s gospel Jesus gathers the twelve apostles and sends them out with very few resources. They were directed to preach repentance.  Some would welcome them. In anticipation of those who chose not to, specific instructions were provided.

In today’s gospel we hear about repentance again.  This as we approach the season of Lent. I’m a cradle Catholic.  For some reason, this year I’m actually catching the messages around repentance in scriptures this year. I’m not sure that that means — maybe I’ll have a more fruitful Lent this year?  Maybe I’m older and wiser?  Nonetheless, Jesus expects people to listen to the preaching of his apostles, but clearly understands that not all will do so.

I spent a lot of time in reflection on the idea of Welcome.  As an extrovert who really enjoys hosting gatherings of friends and family I feel that my family does a nice job creating a welcome space where people can gather, relax, enjoy a nice meal and fellowship. I began to consider how we welcome the stranger and determined that there is some room for improvement. Jesus calls us to care for each other throughout the gospels.  This can translate simply to treating each other with kindness and generosity and dignity.

I’m going to go back to the teachings of from my beloved Sisters of Mercy.  Let us take some time to reflect on the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.  I believe these can serve us well when determining how to care for and welcome those we know and those who may be a stranger to us.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
                -- Jesus Christ


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