Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Roland Chidi, cmf

Good rapport with Jesus animates faith-expression - John 4:43-54.

Jesus is welcomed by the Galileans
‘Your son will live.’ The man believed what Jesus said.
He and his whole household came to believe. 

In as much as it is true that ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed,’ so much so is ‘a friend indeed a friend in need.’ We all need a dependable friend and Jesus is foremost among friends indeed! Jesus is accorded a hearty welcome by the Galileans – they recall his first public sign of turning water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana in Galilee. They relate what they see him accomplish in Jerusalem to divine manifestation in Cana, and they believed! 

The persuasive thrust of the Gospel according to St. John is that ‘they may believe!’ One among these Galileans expresses this trust flowing from their friendly rapport with Jesus – he begs that his son may be healed! One good turn deserves another – the response he receives is: ‘your son will live.’ What a way to re-strengthen one’s faith! There is enormous power transmitted to the other when we strengthen the other’s power of positive thinking. Enlivening faith-expression is one beautiful, powerful virtue of positive thinking that restores life: let the dying person hear ‘God loves you as you are!’ 

The man believed, of course, and the son’s life was restored. Dear friend in Christ, facilitate good rapports with others – such encounters prompt faith-filled decisions! The man and his whole household came to believe. Faith spreads like wild fire in the family when the parents are expressive of their intimacy with God – for the children copy what they see and hear. 

Lent draws each of us closer to our friend Jesus Christ. Simple steps: make Jesus your friend – stay with Him; do not hide your love for him; carry those around you to your friend, Jesus, and He blesses you all together.


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