Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

The doors were closed...They were afraid… Fear is dangerous.

It is a real danger: with the excuse of defending ourselves we attack others, thinking that the best defence is an attack.

Then we live in continuous mutual aggression.

The Risen Lord does not seem to be impressed by closed doors. He enters and stands in the middle, not in the corners.

His greeting is one of peace, and shows his wounds as a sign of reconciliation and forgiveness. Jesus does not hide his vulnerability, nor does he advise us to hide our own. We are to become truly compassionate and merciful to all. 

The disciples rejoiced to see the Lord. And with them we can say full of faith and hope: “My Lord and my God".


Prayer: Give us, Lord, the grace to recognise your presence though I do not see you with my own eyes.

Psalm 117: "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his mercy endures forever."




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