Commentary on the Gospel of

Vivian Amu - St. John's Parish


For whom are you willing to give up everything to protect, heal, or free?  Whom do you love so deeply and completely that your lives are intertwined powerfully and mysteriously?  We are intertwined with God, and a part of God manifested in this world died so we may live---so we may be free---so we may know love. 

Oh….what reckless love!  What relentless love!  Such infinite love! 

Are we living our lives today in gratitude for God’s love?  When we are spiritually weak or have some dark moments, how long does it take us to remember what God sacrificed on our behalf?  How long does it take after Easter Sunday for us to remember the sacrifice which had to be made so we may live with meaning and purpose?  In our weak moments, what does it take to remember this ever so persistent love of God?

The readings today have reminded us of the God who created us intentionally and lovingly; the God whom we trusted and adored before we were born; the God who responded with a burning bush, a parted sea, miracles, and a voice from the heavens. And then, life tested us with sickness, loss, pain, and left us brokenhearted and weighed down.  We forgot, for a moment, about how much we are loved… much we have always been loved.  We forgot that nothing will prevent light from dispelling the darkness.  The readings remind us that we will never be unheard, our brokenness will be healed, and we will rise from dark spaces.  We will not be confined to any prisons keeping us from doing God's work and living in the light where others might come to know of the love of God. 

Light reveals us to ourselves and others.  Even when we find ourselves back in our dark tombs, or in our self-imposed prisons afraid of the light----afraid of what it means to live in that light, God will be right there to free us, protect us, heal and love us.  So, none of us can say we have never been loved.  If anyone says to you, "no one loves you," or treats you as though you are not lovable, ask them to read about your love story in the Gospel.  You have been freely and completely loved since the moment you were born. Now, even though I am a natural worrier about everything, just for today, I put aside all that preoccupies and confines my heart and mind so I may reflect on such a love----God’s unyielding, ever-present, steadfast love.

Loving God, shower us with your love.  Thank you for your love.


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