Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Roland Chidi, cmf

Luke 24:35-48 Witnesses to the resurrection 
                  Recognized him at the breaking of the bread 
                  He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures
                  You are witnesses to these things  

What a fascinating experience: reflecting on our Lord’s processes of rebuilding the apostolic community! The bonding between Jesus and his disciples appeared to have reached its climax during his earthly ministry, yet, when ‘the terrorists’ struck him with violence each disciple sought for his safety; consequently, the community got scattered! What a herculean task trying to reconstitute this community! 

Post resurrection, our Lord Jesus embarked on this task. Through Mary of Magdala, he asks the disciples to reconvene on their known terrain, namely, Galilee. The resurrected Jesus did not leave any stone unturned; he did not remain waiting for their journey to Galilee, instead, he goes further by accompanying those who through frustration and disappointment were leaving the place [Jerusalem] that traumatized them! He walks Cleopas and his companion through their traumatic experience using the Scripture and revitalizes them as they ‘recognized him at the breaking of the bread.’ The consequence is that they hastened back to the community. Indeed, our Lord wants us to worship God as a community of the children of God, bonded together.

As our Lord reassembles the apostolic community, he keeps refocusing them on the Word of God. ‘He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.’ We recall the statement of the two disciples at Emmaus: did our hearts not burn within us as he explained the scriptures to us! Dear friends, Jesus reaches out to each one of us most deeply through the Word of God. Bible studies, Lectio Divina, meditating on the Word of God together remains the re-energizing force that boosts our mutual encouragement on the spiritual journey. This can never be successfully turned into social clubs or gambling rendezvous as unifying force of the Christian community. On March 14, 2013, Pope Francis warned that if we do not confess Christ ‘the Word of God’, we run the risk of becoming a compassionate NGO. In other word, the Christian community is centre for encountering Christ through the Word of God – no doubt any other agency could facilitate the process leading to union with Christ. 

And after encountering him, who has risen from the dead, he says to us: ‘You are witnesses to these things,’ an invitation to be an alleluia people, that is, a people who taste, savour the joy of the risen Lord and reach out to others in joy! With this call, our Lord sets a challenge before us, for the witness is one who can say, ‘I saw with my own eyes;’ ‘I touched with my own hands!’ This implies that, like the first century disciples, each one of us ought to feel Jesus, touch Jesus, talk with Jesus, walk with Jesus. These, we are able to enjoy by letting our ‘hearts burn within us’ with the Word of God; and by ‘recognizing Him’ at the Eucharistic celebration. And having experienced Jesus, one goes forth to share the same with others out there. 

O Lord, help us to always come close to You and therefrom radiate your presence in our words and actions. 


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