Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid


Dear friends, in the midst of Easter we experience a different encounter with the Risen Lord.

Jesus manifests himself as the Good Shepherd.

And on this occasion, he leaves us with this parable of loving care, where we can see the qualities and characteristics of a Good Shepherd (John 10,11-18).

Jesus' words about the Good Shepherd are a wake-up call for an individualistic, "every man for himself" society.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who "knows his sheep", that is to say, who knows us personally and so he “loves” each of us in a particular way.

He "knows" them. He overcomes the anonymous and "anonymising" relationships of our society.

His gaze is not limited to those around, he looks for the sheep that are not in his sheepfold.

He goes further: "I have other sheep", i.e., not only "there are”, I have other sheep", i.e., they are not simply "there", they also have to do with me and I with them; nothing of theirs is alien to me.

That is why I wish to have only one flock and only one shepherd, one family where each one is loved and recognised in his or her uniqueness, untransferable and personal.

These words are obviously addressed to the shepherds of the community, but also to those who follow him. Because is there anyone who can doubt that he is his brother's keeper?


Lord, we are part of your flock, our heart knows no other sheepfold than yours.
We want to be guided always by you and listen constantly to your voice.
(Psalm 117) The stone that the builders rejected is now the cornerstone.
The cornerstone of our life and community.






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