Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Roland Chidi, cmf

‘Whatever you ask the father in my name he will give you.’

Springtime has set in, here in the Western part of Nigeria where I work, it comes with strong wind. 

Shortly after Easter celebration, the wind blew off the locally made shade (with palm branches) under which we celebrate Sunday Masses in our local community. Last week, while going for Mass, I was wondering how we will have the Mass directly under the sun, since the shade had fallen. I was really worried. Then I mustered the courage and prayed deep in my heart: ‘Father, I really want to have Mass with these people, please help.’ Honestly, it completely beat my imagination, for, while approaching the site, I looked from afar and saw the shade standing with a handful of the church members seated. Wow oh! Overcome with joy, I could not utter a word, except: ‘thanks be to God.’ Few members set it up again the previous evening. We had our Eucharistic celebration full of joy and happiness. 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ prays in us and for us. In truth, whatever we ask for in his name, the Father grants – we may not even know how to pray well, nor know how the favour is granted. Challenges, difficulties, hardships come our way, our Lord says, take it to the Father in prayer. Why bear one’s burden alone, why die in solitude while the Father awaits patiently? We are surrounded by the Easter grace and joy. Lord, gives us your grace to confidently call upon you in season and out of season, through the same Christ our Lord, amen.  

                                  The fallen shade                                       Prayer answered:

the miracle!   


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