Commentary on the Gospel of

Beth Samson - Creighton University's Campus Ministry


In this chapter of Matthew, Jesus has just finished teaching The Beatitudes and after this will go on to expand on the Ten Commandments. So, as we read today’s Gospel, we are reminded that Jesus’ teachings and God’s will for us are lived out, experienced, and embodied in the way we are in relationship with others.

In a “This I Believe” segment, Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ, states “I watch what I do to see what I really believe. Belief and faith are not just words. It’s one thing for me to say I’m a Christian, but I have to embody what it means; I have to live it.” The Beatitudes, the Ten Commandments, many of Jesus’ teachings recorded in the Gospels, guide us to live in right relationship with our community, with a preference for those most in need, oppressed, or looked past. In the Gospel today, Jesus reminds us that we cannot pick and choose which ones to follow and which ones to not. I also think it’s important to recognize that as humans, we sin, we turn away from right relationship with God and with our community. We cannot perfectly follow what Jesus asks of us in this Gospel, but we strive every day, in every choice, to do so. Thankfully, through God’s mercy we are forgiven when we do sin, and with that forgiveness we are called forth to heal and return to right relationship. Lifelong efforts until the end of days.

So, let us take a moment of reflection to consider these questions in our prayer.

  • Where have I turned away from right relationship with God or someone in my community recently? What does it feel like to have this relationship broken?

  • Who in my community is in need, oppressed or looked past right now? How can I give of my love, presence, and resources (time, talent, treasure) more generously?

  • As I consider the broken relationships in my community right now, what stands in the way of healing? What injustice or broken system impact the opportunity for right relationship? How can I be part of the healing of this larger brokenness?

  • What might I ask from God in order to come to right relationship? Humility? Openness? Detachment from resources in order to give more generously? Wisdom? Love?

Let us pray.
God, who creates us in community, who we experience in each person we encounter, we ask for Your grace. Your grace of humility to face the broken and to quiet the ego. Your grace of courage to look at systems of injustice and the resilience to stay committed to the work of justice. Your grace of generosity in how we show up to relationships and openness to how we might encounter You in another. Your grace of forgiveness when we sin and to quiet the fear that arises as we labor for right relationship with our neighbor and You. Finally, we ask for Your grace for what each of us needs as we strive to live out what Christ calls us to for the rest of our days. Amen.


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