Commentary on the Gospel of

Angela Maynard - Creighton University's Student Health Education and Compliance Office

Today we remember the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 

We celebrate the immense love that Mary has for God the Father, Jesus Christ, and others.  Mary had a joyful heart, but also experienced heartbreak.

Today’s gospel tells the story of both Mary’s heart break and her joyful heart.  We learn that during travel after celebrating Passover, Jesus was lost.  He was not with the group as they returned from Jerusalem.  As a mother, I can only imagine the pain, worry, and fear that she experienced.  I remember briefly losing one of my children at a store — my mind went all over the place. 

After THREE DAYS, Jesus was found in the temple—teaching.  Imagine the joy that Mary felt in her heart when she was reunited with her only son. Of course, there was a bit of a scolding “Son, why have you done this to us?  Your father and I have been looking for you with great anxiety.” But, how does a mother respond when her son replies seemingly without fear that he was essentially doing his Father’s work — and his Father is God???

Luke tells us that they returned to Nazareth, Jesus was obedient (thanks to the scolding from Mom?) and Mary kept all these things in her heart. 
Today’s gospel describes just one of many times Mary’s heart was either filled with joy or broken. 

Spend some time reflecting on the incredible love Mary has for all of us as her children.  Consider disappointment, or heartbreak we may have caused as a result of how we may treat each other.  Think about the grace we are given through the extreme love our Mother Mary has for all of us.

As I write this, my community in Omaha is a week into a search for an 11- year old autistic boy.  The entire community, along with multiple law enforcement agencies, have been searching since he left his school a week ago.  Please take a moment and offer a prayer for his safe return and peace for his family.

“To save the souls of poor sinners, God wishes to establish the devotion to my Immaculate Heart throughout the world.” —Our Lady of Fatima


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