Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

"Raise up, I say to you".

Today we have an encounter in which we see Jesus full of tenderness and humility, concerned about everything that affects the people around him. Today we observe one of those details that we are going to see in the Gospel (Mark 5:21-13) when he raises Jairus' daughter, who was only 12 years old, from the dead.

A man came to Jesus and said: "Lord, my daughter is dying, come to my house and she will be cured. Jesus went on his way but before he arrived, he was told: "Don't get tired", the girl was dead. But Jesus said to him: "Do not be afraid, have faith, your daughter will be healed. And when he entered the house, he told the father, the mother, Peter, James and John to go with him to the place where the child was. And he says: "Talita cumi" which means: "Little girl, I say to you, get up! And he said to the parents: "Give her something to eat, for she is not dead". What a human gesture Jesus made, as he did when he cured a woman who was suffering from a long illness, and when he came to her, he said: "Daughter, you are cured, your faith has saved you".

May I too learn and know how to resurrect the deaths I meet on my way, and help so many people who need my encouragement, my faith and my trust. Jesus, with a loud voice I say to you: "Give me a healthy life", I wish with all my heart to make you known wherever I am. Thank you Lord.

SEND ME, LORD (Ignacio Iglesias, SJ)



You are the source of desire
and the water that quenches it;
the fire that kindles it
and the flame that does not burn my bush,
the ember of my bones, that does not keep silent.
I surrender to your desires.
I am no longer mine. 
I am another.
Yourself, not a stranger
but ardently happy/ divinised.

I will praise you, Lord, for you have delivered me. (Psalm 29)



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