Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 

"He began to send them out two by two". 

In this Sunday's Gospel reading (Mark 6:7 -13) we have seen Jesus choosing some men, and sending them out to preach the Good News to all the nations. This is the way he uses to make himself known. And this is the way all of us who are baptised are called to be. "Our faith is a missionary commitment", and it is very important to carry it out with the means at our disposal and with the certainty that it is a mission given by the Lord to all of us.

For many years, the Gospel has been proclaimed by priests. But nowadays this task is also carried out by adult men, women and young people. The church has always been very happy to have people like great doctors and mystics, great saints, men of God who have incarnated the gospel and converted their lives. We all have to develop the talents of nature and grace that we have received. For it was Jesus who called us to be filled with great human and Christian wisdom. But not to use it personally, but as co-workers of Christ, following the example of St. Paul who said: "Neither he who sows is anything, nor he who reaps, but God who gives the increase" (1 Corinthians 3,7).

Mission is more than just work. For "the means that count on God are more effective than those that we have as men or women". Pure grace is given to us "marked by Christ". Let us not stifle the charism characterised above all by personal style. Sharing the life of those to whom we wish to proclaim the Gospel. By reaching out to the world of suffering and to those who need us most.

Send me, Lord, to join forces with my brothers and sisters to proclaim the coming of your Kingdom to all.

(Psalm 84) Show us, Lord, your mercy and give us your salvation.



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