Commentary on the Gospel of

Tamora Whitney - Creighton University's English Department

In today’s gospel Jesus explains how little things can mean a lot. The littlest thing can make a big difference. The mustard seed is tiny, but the plant is huge. It's like a tree. It seems impossible that something so small and seemingly insignificant can have such an amazing result. The tiny seed results in a plant that gives shade and where birds can roost. The woman adds a little bit of yeast into the flour, and it expands exponentially. That little bit of yeast lets the dough rise and gives us tasty bread.

And this is like the Kingdom of God. It started with something small, something that at the time seemed like nothing. Jesus came into the world as a baby. He was not rich or powerful. He did not look like a king, but from this inauspicious beginning came the faith we follow to this day. And we can continue to create the kingdom of God ourselves.  Our kindness, concern, prayers can make a difference. A word, an action, an act of charity, some little thing, can have a big effect. Some small activity, some little deed, can turn someone to the Lord. It seems amazing that something so small can have such an amazing result. But like the mustard seed, like the yeast, little things can have big effects. And it's up to all of us to be good role models, be good examples, so we can be good stewards. We don't know whose lives we might touch and what effect we might have.


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