Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

Assumption of Mary 

Mary, sign of hope and joy

This dogma of Mary's Assumption into heaven fills life with hope and joy. Mary brings us peace, a serene vision and a comforting word.  The victory of hope over anguish, of communion over loneliness, of peace over restlessness. It is not easy to endure existence without a sufficient reason and without a goal capable of giving hope.

One of the most beautiful titles dedicated to Mary is precisely that of Our Lady of Hope. Her life was like ours, entirely human. With her testimony she showed us that hope in God leads us to joy.   But hope should not be an excuse to think that everything is finished, but rather a stimulus to raise our spirits and encourage us to build a better world, to believe and to know that nothing we sow will remain without fruit, and that there is an ultimate meaning to everything we do and everything we honestly strive for. 

This feast is very important for believers; it symbolises the natural and happy culmination of those who hope in God and trust in his promises, it represents the beatitudes that Jesus announced for all those who listen to his word and keep it.

The Assumption of Mary, what a horizon of hope and joy!

Thank you, Lord, for giving us a mother who takes care of us and shows us the way that leads us to you.

( Psalm 44 ) Standing at your right hand is the queen, jewelled with the gold of Ophir.



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