Commentary on the Gospel of

Suzanne Braddock - Creighton University- retired

HERE I AM, LORD. I COME TO DO YOUR WILL. Many are invited but few are chosen.

I Imagine a beautifully hand written envelope shining like a jewel among the junk mail I usually get! It stands out. I can’t wait to open it. At last something personal, something addressed to me, not to “occupant” or to one of the many people who have lived at my address years before me.

I open it.

It is an invitation! Not for a free dinner so I can learn about a senior product, a hearing aid or even a burial plot. As an elder, I get a lot of these. They began as soon as I turned 55! I am a selling opportunity.

It is not a notice for a required action on my part, something I must do - get a license for my pet, pay my taxes, nothing like that.

No, it’s a beautiful, personal invitation from our generous and loving God to attend a fabulous feast. There is an invitation for you, too!

Can I drop everything-my worldly cares and distractions-and rummage quickly through my closet for a suitably festive garment and attend the feast?

I try to consider each day, no matter what my mailbox holds, to be a personal invitation to hear the word of God and keep it. This is the daily feast we all share. To go about our days remembering we are truly at a wonderful celebration, sharing the joy of being a child of God with every person we meet, no matter what our mailboxes hold. To clothe ourselves in faith, hope and love. This garment surely will allow us entrance to God’s feast prepared just for us.


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