Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time -  "You have the words of eternal life

The Liturgy of the Word presents us today with two cases of choice: Israel in Shechen and the Jews in Capernaum. Joshua, because we have to choose between the polytheism of the neighbouring peoples and the monotheism of Israel in Yahweh. It is a question of making a choice: with God or against God. 

The Jews do not understand any other realism than the realism of matter, they do not understand the things of the spirit. Therefore Jesus tells them the truth: You follow me because you have eaten bread to your heart's content.   But the flesh is worthless, because it is the spirit that gives life, but they do not understand the language of the spirit. And Jesus does not withdraw his word and gives them a choice: it is up to them to decide, and some of them rejected him, but Peter spoke up and said: Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life. "We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God". ( Jn 6, 68 ).

Certainly in our days it is the same as in the times of Jesus, when it comes to the demands of the Gospel, because in the difficulties of the people, such as unemployment, sickness, loneliness, old age, epidemics, many people abandon Jesus, who is love, brotherhood, charity and justice.  

We have to ask ourselves, whether we see Jesus as Lord of our lives or not, because He continues to offer us His infinite love and to have words of eternal life. 

One of the greatest services we can perform in the Church today is to make the person and the message of Jesus available to all. For those who allow themselves to be transformed by the message and the figure of Jesus, immediately understand that their whole life must become a word and a proclamation of Him.

Lord, to whom shall we go? our goal seems far away, but your words of eternal life help us to reach it.

(Psalm 33) Taste and see how good is the Lord! 



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