Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

"Whoever wishes to be great among you let him serve others".

Jesus took every opportunity to indoctrinate the apostles, the future guides and pillars of the church he founded. It is not about power and domination, but about being unconditionally at the service of others; because He came to serve and to give His life as a ransom for all (Mc 10,45).

Because to follow Him is to understand life and to live it in its human content, such as serving, helping, sharing... For His is love in silence, and to help those who need it.

The washing of the feet is a true summary of his life: "If I have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet", but how far we are when we pretend to be great by enjoying positions of privilege. How many times we pretend to be in charge in any human activity, and in this way, we take advantage of it to impose our criteria on the weakest.

Lord, we place before your eyes the life and dedication of so many Christians, religious, lay people, priests, who, far from earthly ambitions, are capable of drinking every day the cup of poverty, of loneliness, of distance from their own, of their own sufferings .... and take very seriously your advice to serve the most needy. 

Even if some of us are not in those places, we ask you to grant us that missionary spirit. Lord, may your teaching to serve others help us to continue to work for the building of your Kingdom.

(Psalm 32) May your mercy, Lord, come upon us. As we expect from you



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