Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B) -  "I want to see".      

As Jesus left Jericho with his disciples and a large crowd of people, Timothy's son Bartimaeus "the blind man" was sitting by the roadside begging for alms. When he heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, he began to cry out: "Jesus, have mercy on me". He knew about Jesus because of the miracles he was doing, so he asked him to cure him, he cried out "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me".

"Those who were in front of him scold him because they thought he was bothering Jesus. But Jesus' reaction was different. Moved by the man's faith, he asks to be brought to him and when he is close to him he says to him: "But what do you want me to do to you", and he answers: "My Lord, let me see", and Jesus, seeing his faith, says to him: "Your faith has saved you", and he begun to see and continued praising the Lord in the midst of the crowd. 

How many blindnesses we have, how many spiritual blindnesses we have, which are so damaging to this way of not seeing, that our vision is completely blinded and we do not see more than a few metres, so that we do not see God. Therefore we do not enter into His heart, we do not sail in His boat and so we sink.

Something hinders us and we are unable to see Him and to recognise Him. We read about you in the Word, we see you in the Eucharist, in the sacraments, but we seem not to assimilate anything. 

Let us consider our spiritual blindness and fill it with God's love. Because He can also ask us: What do you want me to do to you? And our answer: Lord we want to See, and like Bartimaeus, we regain our sight and follow him on the way. 

Lord, only you can open our eyes and erase our blindness and lead us to your light. 

Psalm 125 ( The Lord has been great with us and we rejoice. 

- This Sunday we celebrate the World Mission Sunday under the motto: "Tell us what you have seen and heard". Let us pray for our missionaries. 

- Today the "Claretian Missionaries", Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, celebrate the feast of their holy founder, St. Anthony Mary Claret. "CONGRATULATIONS".



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