Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B ) - "He has given more than any other else".

In this Sunday's Gospel,St. Mark presents us with two opposing figures: The scribe and the widow. The scribe represents the important people and the widow represents the last, the weak, the most needy. Jesus denounces the oppression of the weakest for religious reasons, saying clearly that God is on the side of the neediest. To make people understand this, he tries to give them a living example: a poor widow, whose social position was insignificant because she had no husband who could defend her rights and was therefore an easy prey for some unscrupulous creditor.

This woman, who had only two coins, makes her offering in an attempt to go unnoticed, but it is precisely through her humility that she fulfils an action of great religious and spiritual importance. This is why she does not go unnoticed in the eyes of Jesus, because it is in giving what Jesus wants his disciples to grow. 

The teaching that Jesus gives us today helps us to recover what is essential in our life, and leads us to a concrete and daily relationship with God, because He does not measure quantity but quality, because in the depths of our heart lies the purest of our intentions. This means that our "giving" to God in prayer and to others in charity should always flee from ritualism and formalism, being rather an expression of gratuitousness, as Jesus did for us: saving us in a gratuitous way. The great motto of Mother Teresa of Calcutta was this: "We must give without measure".

Lord, help us to give ourselves completely to you and to all our brothers and sisters, and to have the same generosity that you appreciated in the poor widow.



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