Commentary on the Gospel of

Angela Maynard - Creighton University's Student Health Services

In today’s gospel we hear the story of Zacchaeus.  Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector.  Typically tax collectors were often disliked by their fellow Jews because they were thought to be dishonest.  Zacchaeus was likely very wealthy as a result of his status as a chief tax collector.  Additionally, he is short in stature, so in order to get a glimpse of Jesus, he climbs a tree.  The crowd was large, yet Jesus calls out to one who considered to be dishonest and unpopular.  Jesus emphatically calls to Zacchaeus “I must stay at your house.”  Others in the crowd were not were not happy about this.  This scenario is yet another one where Jesus chooses to spend time with those labeled, sinner. 

As I reflect on this story, I’m taken back to the image of Jesus the Good Shepherd.  He left the sheep to search for the one gone astray.  I find great comfort knowing of Jesus’ capacity for unconditional love. 

No doubt Zacchaeus’ life was changed by his experience that day.  When feeling small and lost, whether having a good day or a bad day, Jesus wants to be with us.  He is the one who can bring love, peace and calm to us.  It’s up to us to let him in. 

“But you, my Lord, are a god of compassion and mercy; you are very patient and full of faithful love.” --Psalm 86:15


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