Commentary on the Gospel of

Barbara Dilly - Creighton University's Department of Sociology and Anthropolgy

Like the Israelites of the Old Testament, we often celebrate the defeats of our enemies and the rededication of our cultural “altars” to our beliefs and purposes. We celebrate our power and strength in places we deem holy to us. That seems to be what all peoples do.  But are Christians somehow different?  Do we, as Christians, recognize that the glory in our triumphs is all God’s? We are reminded today in the readings in 1 Chronicles to recognize the sovereignty of God over all power and might and grandeur in this world. God has dominion over all the earth. All majesty, splendor, and glory are the Lord’s. We also must recognize that God gives grandeur and strength to all. Riches and honor come from God and are given to all, not just a chosen few.

So, what makes Christians different in this life? Sometimes we are winners, sometimes losers. Sometimes we are rich, sometimes poor. Sometimes we are strong, and sometimes we are weak. Christians are about something more than these distinctions. Jesus says it very clearly, “My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me.”  He further reminds us that the holy houses of God are not to be used for displays of earthly power or dominion. They are to be houses of prayer. Today I pray that we will be like the people who first heard Jesus speak these words, that we too will be drawn to them and not to the words of those in power. I pray we will listen to and follow the voice of Jesus, not the corrupt ways of this world. I pray we will seek to be known by Jesus rather than be recognized as someone with power.


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