Commentary on the Gospel of

Kimberly Grassmeyer - Creighton University's Graduate School


In the reading of today's Gospel lesson, I had to smile at the irony (for me!) of Jesus' words to his disciples about a home's firm foundation.  You see, as a person in the middle of a re-construction project at my home, undertaken for the sole purpose of shoring up a crumbling, 90-year-old foundation, I understand well the importance of a solid footing!  But I've also experienced with this project humility and the need for faith, as called for in Isaiah's reading.  I need not make my home "lofty," only to give it its solid, unmoving base.

During this time of Advent, as we await the birth of the Christ child, these readings call us to trust in the firm foundation of our faith through the imagery of a strong city, and a solid home.  "Trust in the LORD forever!" God provided a rock on which to build the church's foundation, and Jesus reminds his disciples and us that as humans, we must likewise build our homes - our faith - on solid rock. Winds of change will blow and challenge us. But a humble faith, a home built on firm foundation, a city that is strong, just, keeps its faith and strives for peace: these foundation metaphors help us to understand that God will "protect us."  We must keep the LORD as our foundation - at our core.  This can be a difficult ask; I too often waver in faith and trust.  But as we patiently await the celebration of Jesus' birth, we can look forward to renewing our faith and strengthening anew that core: our rock foundation.  Blessed Advent!




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