Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

 2nd Sunday of Advent  -  "Prepare the way of the Lord ".

We are in Advent, a time of preparation for the coming of the Lord Jesus. And today the figure of John the Baptist emerges with force, who travelled the whole region of the Jordan River preaching a Baptism of conversion for the forgiveness of sins. 

To describe the mission of the Baptist, the Gospel of Luke tells us today: "Prepare the way of the Lord". How? By paving paths: by living an attitude of intention that leads us to seek God in everything. Raising valleys: overcoming our discouragement and defeatism. By lowering mountains and hills: by lowering our false security and pride. By straightening the crooked: by directing our affections. This is how we can "Welcome the Lord". This is the message of John the Baptist, the man of the desert, totally aware of who is coming after him. 

The believer is the one who, by becoming close to his brother, like John the Baptist, opens up paths in the desert, shows prospects of hope even in those tortuous existential contexts, marked by failure and defeat. Thus our conversion will be complete. (Pope Francis).

The whole life of John the Baptist is an example of austerity, of witnessing, of invitation to conversion. It is a mission that we Christians can and must carry out here in this world in which we live.

Lord, come in this Advent, to take your place in our lives, and prepare us with the help of your grace. 

(Psalm 125) The Lord has been great with us and we are rejoicing.



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