Commentary on the Gospel of

Steve Scholer - Creighton University's University Relations


For thus says the LORD, The creator of the heavens, who is God, The designer and maker of the earth who established it, Not creating it to be a waste, but designing it be lived in: I am the LORD, and there is no other.Perhaps the words in the above passage that stand out to most of us are “Not creating it (the earth) to be a waste, but designing it be lived in.”These lines resonate in our world today. With concerns of climate change all around us, we have a heightened sense of how fragile our planet is.


From this sense of increased awareness, many of us have changed our habits so our lifestyles are not as harmful to our environment as they were in the past, to not lay waste to what God has created. Kudos to us.


But let’s keep in mind that not only did God create this wonderful, beautiful earth; he created us. And like the earth, he did not create us to be a waste, but to live full and productive lives in service to him, to our faith, to our families and to those we encounter each day.


With the birth of our Savior just 10 days away, let’s guide our attention to how precious each minute of our lives is and that we should not waste the wonderful gift God has bestowed upon each of us.


Let’s focus on how we can grow in our faith, our love for others, and equally as important, our own personal growth to better serve the Lord.


Maybe silencing our cellphones for a few hours a day so we have more time to dwell on our relationship with God and realize he is there by our side each day might be a good place to start.


Maybe showing more gratitude for the little things that people do as we go about our lives, from the sacker at the grocery store to the Salvation Army volunteer bell ringer on the corner.


Maybe stopping to spend an hour at church in prayer and reflection instead of running to the mall to get one last present that really isn’t necessary.


Let’s not waste these last few days before Christmas, but use them wisely. Better yet, let’s resolve to retain some of this increased focus and dedication throughout the upcoming year, to make sure we do not waste the gift God has given to us.
God bless and wishing you all a blessed and merry Christmas.


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