Commentary on the Gospel of

Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid

Baptism of the Lord " ( cycle C )l - End of the Christmas Season

At the end of Christmas, the Church presents us with the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Then the so-called Ordinary Time begins. That is why this day, which would be called the hinge Sunday, because it closes one cycle and opens another, links the childhood and the hidden life of Jesus with the beginnings of his public presentation as Messiah.

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord brings with it a precise reference to our baptism.  In the rite of baptism, there is a moment when the child is anointed on the crown of the head to indicate that he is called to be another Christ, to reproduce his mission, that is, to be a priest, prophet and king. 

The kingdom of Christ - kingdom of truth and life, kingdom of holiness and grace, kingdom of justice, love and peace - is extended and built in the world in a special way, through Christians, who in baptism received this commission and this task of apostleship, by virtue of their royal character which configures them to Jesus Christ. We are therefore "kings for the unconditional and constant service" to our brothers and sisters and to the world. In justice, in charity, and in universal progress, seeking to coordinate their forces in order to heal the structures and environments of the world". (LG 36).

In doing so, the Father pronounces over us the words he said about Jesus at the moment of his baptism: "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased". ( Mt 3,17 ).

The prayer of Jesus baptised with water is the "place" of his baptism with the Spirit and the moment of the revelation of God. It is not the baptism that made Jesus the Son, but God, who publicly proclaimed him as such. By letting himself be baptised, Jesus became the son of all those who were looking for God, by praying, he nourished the consciousness of being the preferred Son and gave God the opportunity to say to him in a clear way.

Father of Jesus, my God and Lord, let us seek you, and let us hear your voice calling us: "beloved children". 

(Psalm 28) The Lord blesses his people with peace. 



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