Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines


Satan Casts off Satan

The truth is, Satan can cast off Satan. This has been the way of the world, from the beginning. Don’t we cast out Satan with Satan when we use violence to heal violence? Think of why we have wars, terrorism, capital punishment, expulsions of members from families, and even the run-of-the-mill cursing while at traffic. And we are convinced of the efficacy of such methods! As René Girard argues, human society is built upon such sacrificial mechanism and the world only knows peace brought by violence. The irony is, such satanic wisdom, instead of breaking down his kingdom, ensures that he is indispensable! However, it is to such a world that Christ brings the “finger of God,” the Holy Spirit, who operates with a different Kingdom logic, with its dynamics of inclusive love. And to equate such interventions to satanic acts is blind, blasphemous, and denial of God.


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